Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SBI offers personal loans to existing borrowers at housing loan rates

State Bank of India is offering a bonanza to its existing home-loan customers. They can take personal, or top-up, loans at the same rate that they are paying on home loans under a limited-period offer from the nation's top lender.

In effect, an existing borrower can take a personal loan at 10.15%, provided he had been paying his home loan EMIs on time. For women, this will be even cheaper at 10.10%. The rates imply a 0.35-0.40 percentage point cut in the top-up loan rates that SBI has been charging.

It charges 13.50-18.50% on personal loans to other customers. A senior SBI official, who did not want to be named, said the rate on top-up loans was lowered to boost the bank's loan book. "Also it is a safe bet for the bank to attract their existing customers with good track record to borrow from them rather than approaching its rival banks."

The rate reduction comes at a time when RBI has signalled a softer interest rate regime by cutting policy rates twice - both by a quarter percenta

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